Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fire Drill

Today a smoke detector in the daycare I work at malfunctioned, leading to a unplanned fire drill in the cold. While fire drills are a routine thing, hearing the alarm, and looking toward the office to see the director with a face that says "what's that?" is not. If a fire drill is planned the director knows it, but when the alarm goes off and I see she doesn't know what's happening, it's down right scary. As the adrenaline rush slowly faded during my break a couple hours later I wrote this poem:


Alarms sound,
My heart pounds.

"Fire Drill"
my voice is calm,
but one glance,
tells me,
this drills not planned.

My racing heart, combats,
the sureness of my voice.

"Fire Drill, line up!"
Thirteen kids,
listen quick.

Grab a clip board,
counting heads,
"You take them,
I'll help the babes."

Fueled by adrenaline,
I act with confidence.
Pick up a baby,
"I'll meet you outside."

Count the kids,
everyone's here.
Shiver in blankets,
hear the siren.

Watch the truck,
and wait to hear,
"All is clear."

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