Friday, April 22, 2011

This is Not About...

This is not about you. It's about me. It's about me and where I'm going, where I'm stuck, what I need, and what I want. It's about trying to find what fits into my life and what I want to do. It's about being me without catering to preconceived ideas about who I am and what I'm supposed to be like.

I'm not who you think I am. It's all a lie, except more like I've just outgrown who you see me as and haven't yet had the courage to tell you who I am now. I've changed and grown, and I feel good about who I am and what I believe, yet it feels like a lie to keep my thoughts to myself.

I wonder sometimes if I should be more blunt to come out and say what I believe and feel. Often it's not really anybody else's business - what I believe, what I feel, how I meet God, my thoughts on this or that, who I happen to think is cute, or what I see as meaningless ritual is all a matter of who I am and really have nothing to do with you. Yet I can't help wonder... Would you see me differently if you knew the truth about me? Would you be bothered that I'm no longer the kid you think I am? Or would you still accept me, grown up and changed as I may be?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Untitled Prayer (righteousness and justice)

Let us live in righteousness,
not in belief we are right
and the other is wrong,
but in your grace,
doing what each of us is meant to do,
as best as we are able.

Let us seek justice,
not revenge.
Let us work towards wholeness,
and authentically valuing
everyone's worth,
rather than fighting for recognition
of our own over-inflated "goodness."

Let you grace shine down and guide us,
when we fail to see the difference,
between righteousness and selfishness,
between justice and punishment,
between creating wholeness and creating division.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Holy Ground

I walk a path unknown,

but really more familiar,

bare foot in the grass,

cold beneath my feet,

sneakers crunching over gravel,

in the heat of summer,

weathered paths,

pulling me,

away from the world,

and closer to God,

to holiness and wholeness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things I Saved

Prompt: These are the things I saved.

Bits and projects,

stones and shells,

a stack of tee shirts,

I won't ever wear again,

a million papers,

my best artwork,

middle school essays,

my high school portfolio,

“important stuff”

that means nothing to me

- tax forms and pay stubs

from old jobs

snips of writing,

quotes from random places

- most I've forgotten why I saved,

but still make me smile,

relics of childhood,

and teenage years,

stuff in itself unimportant,

yet glued to precious memories.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011




is it done yet?

If only saying,

I is hungry,

put something yummy,

on the table,

right now.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The poem below is written in honor of April begin sexual assault awareness month. Most people never talk about these things, but you probably know at least one person who has lived this. Women and men, young and old, all demographic of people are both directly and indirectly effected by sexual assault, but many will never tell their stories. Would you be willing to listen if they did?

trigger warning: this poem talks about sexual assault.

One touch

He wanted her

led to another

his hands across her skin

she didn't like it

he'd get what he wanted

pushing away

he liked her feisty

only encouraged him

he'd take what he wanted

to get what he wanted

despite her tears.

despite her pain.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Inner Beauty

Mirror mirror,

on the wall,

tell me why,

my looks are yours?

Does it matter if I'm pretty,

if my face is perfect?

Don't look at me like that.

Close your eyes,

take a step back,

don't look so close,

and you'll see more.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Midnight Chatter

Are you listening,

in the night,

as I whisper,

secret fears?

This is when,

I should be sleeping.

I can tell,

because I cry,

when I catch you,

closing eyes,

and drifting off,

to that elusive,

land of sleep.


Falling spring flower petals,

blanket the ground with white,

soft reminds of sparkling snow,

cool and delicate in the warmth,

of spring times gentle breeze,

when ice has melted away.