Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God of Light and Stars

This prayer/poem was inspired by a combination of conversations with a friend and last weeks writing prompt from a prayer group at church (which may have in part inspired the conversation that helped me form this into words).

God of Light and Stars

Dear God,
I feel you in the night,
when star light guilds the sky,
you brush against my skin,
with cool and tender touch.

While hiking in the night,
you touch my path with light,
to guide me on my way.
Through the starry sheen,
I see you in the trail.

With the gentle glow,
you show me your true self,
inviting me to be,
the best I can for you.

With this unearthly light,
I see you in creation,
and I become a part of you,
a part of light,
to love the world for you.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem! Just how you can be intimate with the God of all creation and how God guides you gently to becoming light. Wow!
