February 20, 2010
Creative writing prompt: Close your eyes. Write about what you see.
Scripture: Mark 1:11-13
Prayer prompt: Write a prayer for the wilderness.
February 27, 2010
Creative writing prompt: Write about fireworks.
Scripture: Psalm 148
March 6, 2010
Creative writing prompt: Write about someone who left.
Scripture: Luke 23:34
Prayer prompt: Write a prayer for forgiveness.
March 13, 2010
Creative writing prompt: Write about a longing.
Scripture: Psalm 114
Prayer prompt: You are my sanctuary.
March 20, 2010
Creative writing prompt: This is a map to where I live.
Scripture: Isaiah (I didn't get the chapter or verse written down) and Numbers 11
Prayer prompt: Think about images of God as mother or another non-traditional image of God, and write a prayer to God in that image.
March 27, 2010
Creative writing prompt: Write about memories underfoot.
Scripture: Jeremiah 32: 38-41
Prayer prompt: Write a prayer for discernment or call to action.
The creative writing prompts used were borrowed from A Writer's Book of Days. The prayer prompts were created to be used in this group.